Our friendly and experienced team of specialists are proficient in a range of head and neck surgeries including Hemithyroidectomy, Parathyroidectomy, Parotidectomy and Thyroidectomy and are here to guide you carefully through each step of the process from initial consultation to surgery and recovery.
We pride ourselves on taking the time to get to know our patients. We will listen and respond to each individual’s needs during their journey through the medical system.

Dr Navin Niles
Associate Professor
Associate Professor Niles is an accomplished Endocrine and Head & Neck Surgeon specialising in thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal and salivary gland surgery – performing over 400 endocrine procedures annually. As a pioneer of robot-assisted thyroid surgery in Australia, he is the most experienced surgeon in the removal of the thyroid with no neck incision, having set the benchmark in scarless neck thyroid surgery. This expertise allows Navin Niles and his team to offer patients a broader spectrum of care and most importantly, gives patients greater autonomy and choice for individualised treatment.

Dr Gabrielle Brady
Anaesthetist (Northern Beaches Hospital)
Dr Gabrielle Brady completed medical school at the University of Newcastle and did her general hospital and specialist anaesthetic training at Liverpool Hospital, NSW.
She works at a range of both public and private hospitals across Sydney and is a Supervisor of Training and the Director of Obstetric Anaesthesia at Liverpool Public Hospital.
She is also an active member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA), and serves on the NSW ANZCA Regional committee.

Dr Marcus Maller
Anaesthetist (Sydney Adventist, Macquarie University And Norwest Private Hospitals)
Dr Marcus Maller graduated from Medicine at the University of New South Wales. He completed his specialist anaesthetic training at Prince of Wales Hospital and with Care Flight, obtaining his specialist qualifications in 2011.
His regular scope of practice consists of a broad range of anaesthesia, from head and neck surgery, vascular surgery, orthopaedic surgery, plastic/ reconstructive surgery and general surgery amongst others.
He has appointments at Prince of Wales Hospital, Prince of Wales Private, Macquarie University Hospital, The Mater, Ryde Hospital and Norwest Private Hospital.

Dr Mario Henriquez
Anaesthetist (Liverpool Hospital)

Dr Janice Lim
Surgical Assistant / General Practitioner
Dr Janice Lim graduated from Medicine at the University of New South Wales in 2004. She spent her initial few years working in hospitals, gaining a wide range of medical experience and a further 3 years in General Surgery.
She has since completed her training in General Practice and is now a qualified GP. She has been assisting A/Prof Niles since 2011 in various private hospitals around Sydney.
She thoroughly enjoys caring for patients, both in theatre and in the clinic setting.

Sr Rachel Muir
Scrub / Scout Nurse
Rachel studied a Bachelor of Nursing at Western Sydney University, Richmond campus, completing her degree in 2012. While completing her degree she worked at Nepean and in the Blue Mountains local area health district in which she was mainly located at Nepean Hospital. Rachel worked in a variety of wards over her three-year term at Nepean including surgical, oncology, cardiac, general, maternity, respiratory and gerontology wards.
In 2013, Rachel was successful in her application for the graduate program at Macquarie University Hospital in theatres. She gained a sound knowledge in her role as a Registered Theatre scrub/scout nurse. Rachel specialized in vascular surgery as well as plastic/reconstructive surgery. She gained sound knowledge in cardio/thoracic, general (colorectal, gynae), neuro, spinal, orthopedic and ENT surgery before moving into a role with Head and Neck surgery assisting A/Prof Navin Niles for all operative cases. Rachel also gained an education and experience in Robotic surgery (cardio-thoracic, urology).
Rachel enjoys all facets of perioperative nursing and strives for a holistic and team approach to patient care.

Sr Agnes Nguyen
With over 15 years of nursing experience, Agnes graduated from the University of Western Sydney with a Bachelor of Nursing. She has also completed a Graduate Certificate in Perioperative Nursing and a Post Graduate Diploma in Cosmetic Injecting.
Having worked alongside the esteemed Plastic Surgeons in the Operating Theatre at Liverpool Hospital for 12 years, her commitment and eye for aesthetics have been highly valued by each medical team she has been a part of. Agnes has various extensive experience as a scrub/scout nurse, specialising in plastic/reconstruction and hand surgery.
As a Practice Nurse working with leading Plastic Surgeons performing cosmetic injectables in the past, Agnes followed her passion in the aesthetic industry by also having worked at a Clinic where clients get cryopolysis for Body Sculpting and Cellulite injectables / biostimulator. She received extensive training from world-leading cosmetic trainers in the industry and intensive training with global market leader Galderma.
Warm and enthusiastic, Agnes aims to provide a unique approach to a natural, refreshed and refined look, tailored specifically to each individual to beautify and maximise their confidence.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please see below for answers to our FAQ’s. In addition to this, you will find a range of information sheets over at our Services page. If you require further assistance, then feel free to email us via the Contact page.
The reasons for removing a nodule (lump) from the thyroid include – it causes symptoms including difficulty swallowing, it is cosmetically concerning, it is overactive, it is cancer. The aim of investigation of a thyroid nodule is to exclude these reasons and so to, if possible, avoid needing surgery.
Many people think a thyroid nodule is not part of the thyroid. In fact, the nodule is within the thyroid. Its removal usually requires the removal of half (hemithyroidectomy) or the whole thyroid gland (total thyroidectomy).
Not because of your surgery. Weight loss or gain is as a result of an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure. Ideally, thyroid hormone levels following surgery can be adjusted by administration of thyroid hormone to be within the normal range. In these circumstances, surgery or being on thyroxine replacement are not responsible for weight gain or loss.
The lymph nodes removed in neck dissection are in the order of 25% of the lymph nodes of the entire head and neck, which are only a fraction of the nodes in the entire body. Whilst it is possible that recovery from surgery and other treatment may render the patient less able to avoid some infections, this is more to do with general conditioning than the effect of lymph node removal.
No. The high level of calcium in the blood of a person with hyperparathyroidism is largely because the bones are being stripped of calcium. In the presence of high levels of parathyroid hormone (hyperparathyroidism), it is not possible for calcium to be laid down to strengthen bones.
It is fairly normal for even a perfectly healing wound on the neck to become darker over the first 6 months of healing before eventually fading. It is true however that it is most unusual for the scar to disappear, and that someone who has had surgery will always be able to see the scar.
As discussed on the parotid surgery page, the key to parotid surgery is the identification and preservation of the facial nerve. This nerve exists at the base of the skull about 4cm deep to the skin of the earlobe. Because the nerve is deep at this point, and this is the safest place to identify the nerve, the incision needs to be large enough to afford a good view. Once the nerve is found, the branches of the nerve need to be traced through the gland, past the tumour to allow for the safe removal of the tumour.
A/Prof Niles is a General Surgeon. Most General Surgeons contribute to the local community by taking part in an on-call roster at their local hospital to provide Emergency and Trauma Surgery cover. So, when A/Prof Niles is on-call at either the Northern Beaches, Sydney Adventist, Norwest or Liverpool Hospitals, he is required to care for those people who present to the Emergency Department with general surgical problems. This workload varies considerably, but can include appendicitis, cholecystitis, bowel obstruction and traumatic injuries to name just a few. Our aim is to provide excellent surgical care to any patients whose care we are entrusted.

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